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I loved everything! I cannot wait until Summer Camp.
From concerts to conferences, vacations to weekend getaways, Montrose offers a variety of unique and encouraging event experiences. Our annual line-up of inspiring speakers, gifted musicians, learning opportunities is sure to bring you, your friends, and your family back again and again!
Families find the Christ-centered atmosphere at Montrose to be the ideal setting for both fun and learning. For adults of all ages, single or married, men or women, we offer a variety of opportunities to revitalize your relationship with God and connect with others.
Come be inspired by God’s Word and uplifted with music. Get away for some delicious meals and relaxing time with other ladies.
Uninterrupted time to make a beautiful quilt and as you are inspired from God's Word.
Meet local crafters and shop from their hand-made items
Christmas music, a devotional thought, a light meal, a smorgasbord of seasonal goodies & teas.
Join us as the Niah & Allisha help us to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
Enjoy the dinner concert and stay overnight. After a long winter’s nap, awake to a hearty breakfast buffet.
New and experienced writers will be spiritually renewed as they sharpen their word-smithing skills and learn about Christian publishing at this annual conference. Continuing Classes, Workshops, Editorial Appointments, Professional Critiques
Montrose Bible Conference // 218 Locust Street, Montrose, PA 18801 // Phone 570-278-1001 // Toll Free 1-800-598-5030 // Contact Us