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Events at Montrose Bible Conference
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult & everything in it! Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy
Psalm 96:11-12

Our Events

Carols by Candlelight Dinner Concert with Niah & Allisha Merrill

December 13, 2024


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Enjoy your favorite Christmas carols and a delicious Christmas meal. The Merrills will lead us in worship as we come to celebrate and give thanks for Jesus Christ the new born King.  

Crossing the genres of contemporary, classical, gospel, and modern hymns, the Merrills’ music focuses hearts to praise and worship Jesus Christ. Niah and Allisha have been privileged to partner with many talented writers, orchestrators and musicians around the country to produce quality music that is both God-honoring and relevant. They sing and play an assortment of instruments (including the piano, trumpets, flugelhorn, hand drums, and Irish penny whistles) in a variety of inspirational musical styles.


Make your reservation early! Program held in the Lake Avenue Dining Room. Doors open 6 pm. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm. 



$24 - Adults
$5  - Ages 12 and under
Reservations required.

Dinner Concert Menu

Plated Salad
Dinner Rolls 
Tomato Bisque 
Flounder Stuffed with Crab
Mashed Potatoes 
Apple Stuffing
Cakifornia Blend

Desserts: Fruit, Fruit of the Forest Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Cakes & Assorted Christmas Desserts


Optional Bed & Breakfast available  which includes dinner concert, overnight lodging and breakfast is $62 per person.


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Montrose Bible Conference // 218 Locust Street, Montrose, PA 18801 // Phone 570-278-1001 // Toll Free 1-800-598-5030 // Contact Us